
Beseda s Davidem Pospíšilem
Dětská animace pro náchodské školky
Kurz pro instruktory FITNESS
Můžeš podnikat
Finanční svoboda – workshop finanční gramotnosti
Sportovní kurz 3.B – Deštné v Orlických horách
UNESCO - Výtvarná soutěž „Můj Bedřich Smetana“
Vodácký kurz 3.A na Sázavě
Předávání maturitního vysvědčení na radnici
Studenti sportovního managementu jako rozhodčí
Odborné praxe cestovního ruchu - průvodcovská činnost


Rychlovka na Karlově mostě a bojovka na Kampě - 2.B

 The trip to Prague was nice. We got to know much interesting information. The tour guide was very kind to us. We played a game during the tour. We were answering different questions. For every correct answer we got one coin or one diamond. We liked the route because we were going over the Charles Bridge and we saw many interesting buildings. The route ended in Kampa Park where we played another game. We were running around the park and getting other interesting information. The best part was when we could touch the babies´ asses. After the game we counted the coins and the diamonds, and we said our goodbyes. It was very nice, and we learnt a lot of information.

Tomáš H., Viki F., Dominika G.