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Název projektu: Moving Waters - How Water Shapes Us

Délka projektu: 1.10.2017 – 31.12.2019

Koordinátor projektu: Mgr. Dana Jarolímová 

Partnerské školy:
ACADEMIA MERCURII soukromá střední škola, s.r.o.
Náchod, Česká republika
CSG Willem van Oranje
Oud-Beijerland, Nizozemí
Privatgymnasimum Dr. Florian Uberreiter
Mnichov, Německo
Liceo Statale A.Serpieri
Rimini, Itálie
Appleby Grammar School
Appleby, Velká Británie

Project Summary:

The Dutch school is located below sea-level, in the vicinity of Rotterdam harbour, which makes it particularly affected by water. When the Dutch school visited the school in Appleby, UK, they found out how they were affected by water as well as a result of yearly flooding. Therefore both schools share a common interest in exploring the way water shapes us and our environment.  Both schools wanted to explore this question in a wider context and in different parts of Europe. We contacted a school in Rimini (Italy) because they are directly on the Adriatic coast and a school in Náchod (Czech Republic) which is located near the mountains where there are water springs and upper river streams. Also the school teaches a study programme about Travel and Tourism, where water is taught from the point of view of ecology and its influence on the environment, tourism, means of transport and economics. As all schools are located in smaller cities we contacted a school in Munich (where the river Isar runs through directly from the Alps) to include an urban aspect to our explorations and to find out how water is used for recreational purposes in big cities.

Water is vital to all countries. It affects the areas we live in and therefore shapes our society. When looking into the sources available we soon found out that most water projects have a narrowed focus: They either focus on the purely scientific elements of water or merely on aspects of sustainability, without addressing the questions we were interested in. Therefore we would like to develop learning material that address the following questions:

How does water shape us and the areas and societies we live in? Which opportunities do we derive from water and what challenges do we face because of the water that surrounds us?  We will look into recreational purposes of water (tourism, aesthetic aspects), economic opportunities (for example transport), environmental issues (flooding, rising sea levels), the management of water itself (quality of drinking water, waste water treatment) and the geographical aspect (how beaches, rivers, seas and lakes shape the regions which we live in). Besides, our project focuses on the way how water moves us, i.e. how does water connect people with different ideas, cultural backgrounds and interests?

What we will create in our project "Moving Waters - how water shapes us" is a series of lesson material in the field of sciences, arts and languages. The schools involved in this project will all include students aged 13-19. A total number of 800 students will be involved in this project, 92 of which will also be selected to travel to the partner schools. As the level of our students may vary, we will create lessons that are suitable for students from different backgrounds, who follow education on different levels and who have different learning styles. Our approach is student-cantered, i.e. our students will do research themselves, present their results, compare their findings and share their newly gained knowledge. The material can be used within schools in all countries, even with few facilities.

Above all, our project aims to promote the acquisition of skills and competences of both students and teachers. More in specific, our project aims to increase students' intercultural competences, to enhance multilingualism (using English and German as a lingua franca), to increase their knowledge of water and water management, to foster their digital skills, to increase their self-confidence (as a result of their growing intercultural competence) and to challenge Euroscepticism. The project also supports the recently announced assessment of global competence in PISA tests by OECD, which is the capacity to examine global and intercultural issues, to take up multiple perspectives, to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions and to act for collective well-being and sustainable development.

For teachers, the project will lead to  the use of more innovative and activating didactics (also beyond the project), which will, as a result of the student-cantered approach, hopefully lead to a greater social inclusion of students with different backgrounds, interests, competences and learning strategies.  Furthermore we hope to improve the ICT skills of teachers as a didactic tool.

The project will further help to motivate students for studies in the field of water management and to enthuse them to study abroad.

Finally, the project will help schools to gain insight into different pedagogical approaches, to foster arts, economic and natural sciences, to enhance the use of ICT by both teachers and students in a thoughtful manner, to improve learning outcomes of students who have participated in the project as a result of an increase in student-based approaches, and better communicative skills in English and/or German.

Likewise, our project will form the foundation for further cooperation between the different schools.


Holandsko - listopad 2017

Italie - květe 2018

ČR - Březen 2019

Projekt v rámci programu Erasmus+  „Moving Waters-How Water Shapes Us“

Žáci účastnící se projektu (.pdf)


Nela Kultova - 10.06.2019 @ 19:48

Dear Erasmus+ organisers,

I would like to thank you for all the amazing experiences. Thanks to this program I was able to travel around and explore interesting places of Europe and meet people from different countries.

First place I have visited with Erasmus+ was United Kingdom particularly the North of England, the Lake District in Cumbria and Edinburgh. England is really one of my favorite places in the whole world. The nature and architecture is stanning in so many ways.

I was staying in a small house in countryside. My panpel and her family were amazing and really kind. It was perfect. Also thanks to Erasmus+ we were able to get to know a lot about the places we were staying in like the history of Lake District and Appleby. We also heard about a flood that happened in Appleby few years ago.

I have also visited Italy. I was staying in a really big house with a big family and other two students from the Erasmus+. I was really happy that I got the opportunity to visit two destinations. The most beautiful place we visited was Venice. All the beautiful shops and restaurants. The architecture and art in Italy is on next level, every detail is perfect and always has a story to tell.

I will never forget how much fun I had with my classmates and other students fom other countries. I´ve learned that we have so much in common with each other, we all suffer the same pains but we also are happy from same things.

I think that there should be more of these opportunities for other students. We all should explore more and get to know about other countries, it will help us with learning English and we will understand each other more.


Jan Tyfa - 12.06.2019 @ 20:04

I visited one of the largest and most modern German city with my 2 schoolmates and 2 teachers - München. I stayed 4 nights in a very nice family close to München in Neubiberg. It was surprised that we're not as much as different how I imagined before.

We saw most known places of the city like cityhall, Marienplatz, Frauenkirche or Nymphenburg castle where we had a presentation about a water on our planet.

The best thing I have in my memory was a trip out of the main program to the aquapark in Erding. We really enjoyed this evening and had lot of fun there. Another thing I really love on my ways abroad is trying local traditions and food. I got a chance to taste typical Bavarian dish like Kalbbratwurst with sweet mustard or German beer. Anyway it was a great way how to emprove my English and German in practical situations of the daily life. Nobody couldn't teach me more at school than the communication in the real world when I had to tackle everything only by myself.

It should be more of these projects for people who wants to visit another country and enjoy another culture. It was a last experience like that for me because learning is waiting for my graduate yet.

We're not writing regulary but I hope so that we will see again with the whole group from Germany!


Filip Pajkrt - 12.06.2019 @ 20:24

Dear Erasmus+ 

Last year i visited Germany. I came to Munich together with my two classmates and two teachers. Thanks to this project i met a lof of new people from different countries and i saw many interesting places in Munich. First place we saw was a center of Munich, so we visited Marienplatz, where we could see a beautiful historical square or many interesting buildings. Other days we were for example in Nymphenburg palace including the museum or we visited Eisbach Waves, which was really amazing, because i have never seen something like that in live so far. 

I would like to thank to my penpal and his parents for the whole week. I was staying in big family house probably fifteen minutes from the school. I was very satisfied with their accomodation and service, which i had after the whole week. I think we enjoyed every free time, which we had each other. We did a lot of funny actvities every evening together. For example we were in the best burger restaurant in Munich according to my penpal and it was true. It was really the best burger i have ever eaten and sometimes i would like to return there. Of course we have tasted many typical delishes, so typical sausages or traditonal beer. These tradicional foods and souvenirs we bought on the Munich market. There were a lot of shops, which we visited with other students and it was one of the best day of the week.

Last day we had the chance to visit one of the biggest aquapark in Europe. It was the best experience, because i have never seen so big aquapark and we were there with other students, so we can get to know each other better. We were talking about everything so we made a friend relationship. It was might pity that it was the last day in Munich. In aquapark we used every attraction there so we were spending there the whole evening.

Thanks to this project i has found new friends and we are still in touch. I think i improved my skills in English, because when you can  speak English all the time for whole week? Another plus of this project is that i have met new interesting places in Munich and nature there. It was a special week and i am sad that I cannot continue next year, because it will not possible. My personal opinion is that these projects should be more often.

Thanks for a beautiful week


Simona Hanzlova - 16.06.2019 @ 09:44

Last year I visited Italy, Rimini. I was there with two of my schoolmates and teachers. I stayed in a beautiful modern house with nice guy Matteo. He and his family were such a nice people. And his mum was really amazing cook!

Well, I don't remember anything from presentations in school. But I remember lots of moments and lots of places we visited.

We visited Venice and it was really amazing. I had known this city before only from movies. But the most amazing and unforgettable thing was when we went to Rimini and I saw the sea! I had never seen a sea before, I had never been to a foreign country in my life before. And it was beautiful. I really enjoyed swimming and sunbathing. And Italian ice cream was the best!

I aslo hosted Italian guy, Mattia. He was nice too. I hope he was satisfied with us and all this project.

Unfortunately, we are not in touch anymore.

This experience gave me a lot. New people, new experiences, better English and better conversation. I am not so shy to speak English anymore. I think this is really important for students. So yes, there should definitely be more these projects!

Simona Hanzlová, Czech Republic


Filip Prouza - 16.06.2019 @ 20:55

Erasmus+ project: 

Erasmus is really great experience for all the people in project. There should be definitely much more of these projects and I hope I will be part of some of them in the future. 

I was on three projects in the Netherlands,  England and Czech Republic and I really enjoyed it. But every of them had something special. 

First project was in Fall 2018 in the Netherlands. We flew by plane with two teachers and my classmates. I met one really crazy guy named Stephan. When we saw each other I knew we will be really good friends and  I was right. He became my first good foreign friend and I’m still in touch with him. I met his great family and we enjoyed every spent moment. 

The topic was about some problems with dirty water and we made some experiments with ph of water from every country which I found really interesting and surpassingly our water from the Czech Republic was the best one. Me and Adam had one of the best presentations about our country and a lot of teachers liked it.  

We visited the huge Harbour in Rotterdam named Maasvlakte which was built on the sea and we saw how everything works and got some new information.

We ended our meeting and farewell with family on bowling match in Rotterdam.

Second project was in spring 2019 and I went to England again with my classmate Adam and Danthe, Nela, Petra. We flew by plane and than to small town Penrith where we met with teachers from Appleby school and at their school we found our New England friends from this nice country. I met with the true English gentleman Toby Golding and his famous family. They were all really kind to me and I’m going to visit them this year again. I’ve already known some familiar faces from previous project so it was great to see them again. 

In England we’ve been working on some problems with floods and with the animals that lives in water. We tried to catch them in a river and it was big fun. Adam and I scored again with another perfect presentation which most liked. 

The best memory was playing a billiard and eating delicious pizza in a small pub which was rebuild by local citizens. It was lovely time. 

And the last one was in Czech Republic where I hosted Toby from England and Wouter from the Netherlands. I was surprised to see Toby again because I wanted to show him my country. Together we went to Adršpach rocks which was big fun because we were joking all the time about everything and that pizza we tried... even our Italian friends said it was better than their. We visited a cleaning factory when we were talking all the time just about poop... and also how the water is cleaned. 

Me and who else than Adam again did together probably our best presentation and and Kahoot quiz. All the Teachers were laughing at the end so it was success for us.

And there comes the end off all Erasmus+ projects (How water shape us)  we had a bowling party and next morning we make a hug with everybody said goodbye, have nice flight and went back to school. 

I’m glad that I met these great people and i recommend to stay in touch with them because they are true friends. I still chat with them. 

I’ve learned a lot of things in these projects. For example I definitely improved my english skills, I met new people, new friends. I’ve seen a new piece of the world and some nice places, new culture, and got a lot of new experience. 

I thank everyone who participated in this and I hope to meet with my Erasmus family again. 

Filip Prouza, Academia Mercurii, the Czech Republic 


Adam Osoba - 18.06.2019 @ 22:56

To: Erasmus + project

My name is Adam Osoba and I’m from the Czech Republic. When I joined high school I got a really good opportunity to be a part of this project. I said: ,,Hell yea why not?" I didn’t really know what to expect. But I was really looking forward to meet new forein people and visit new countries

First project took place in the November of 2017 in Dutch town called Oud - Beijerland. Honestly I was a little bit scared when we went there. I was about to be first time in forein family by my own. I was’t worrying about my English because I can talk to English speaking poeple with no issues, but I there was a lot of ,,What if" something bad happened, or how it will be to spent a whole week with a family I saw a first time?

I went there with my friend Filip Prouza from my class and for the host I couldn’t have someone better. My host was a girl named Noa Bezemer. We were in touch for a couple of weeks before a project and I knew already that she will be a massive support and she’ll help me with anything. And I was correct. The moment I met her in person and her family all of my doubts fell away from me. Her family was amazing and we really enjoyed our time together. They live in the centre of Oud - Beijerland so we cycle to school every day which was really amazing. We are not in contact anymore but to this day I thank them for everything because I really enjoy the Netherlands Erasmus due to them and all the people I met there. The school was amazing.

We visited Rotterdam many times and we saw the harbour called Maasvlakte, the city centre, Markthal and many other interesting buildings and sights. I really like the Netherlands as a counry and it’s vibe. All of the people were amazing and very kind and everywhere you look there was some modern building and modern architecture. Dutsch engeneering is on another level as we saw in Maasvlakte.

We have also done some sience work on water quality in different countries (Czech Republik won) and our presentation. We gave forein students closer look on our home and on our country. And we’ve already find out that we can do the best presentations in the business. Which pleased us. Thanks to our English teacher Mr. Šnajdr. We’ve also took part in some lessons in the school, that was really interesting. We could see how are teaching metods different there.

Over all this first project was an amazing because sudenlly I knew I can go to some forein country and use my English with no issues. With no teachers or family.

Next coutry I’ve visited via an Erasmus+ was the United Kingdom. In March of 2018 the project took place in small town called Appleby in Cumbria. I knew that it’s gonna be even better that the previous one in Holland.

My host there was a girl called Molly. We quickly got on well and we became very good friends. Her family live in even smaller town called Milburn (population about 200). All of the houses in this part of England are really beautiful old school england and Molly’s was no exception. Really, really beautiful house they have. Her familly was again great and I really enjoy the time we spent together. We did a lot more free time activity like going to the aqua centre, meeting other guys from project in the pub and playing games in the evening. Really enjoy time with them. And again we did lot’s of interesting things for example talking about the recent floods in UK involving the very town of Appleby and than we were talking about the water pollution. We also had a trip to the Lake District and we took a ride on a boat across a lake. Again, I think that me and Filip absolutelly killed the presentation and we were very happy about that.  

I really enjoyed my stay in England because it was a part of the UK I’ve never been in. And the towns, the school and the nature is amazing and for sure I want to visit this part of the world again. I’m still in contact with Molly, time to time we text each other. I will remember that for a while. Amazing people and amazing expirience.

To leave that place was really hard, but we had some things still to look forward to. Our teacher had a great idea to spend one day in Scotland’s capitol Edinburgh. We have visited some of it’s famous places and monuments and I have to say that it has been one of my favourite things we have done on the English Erasmus (and it wasn’t even on the project, it was only our private trip). I’m very happy for that time we spend in Scotland. To feel that atmosfere was amazing. What a great idea you’ve had teachers. Thank you!

The Czech Republic was the last country to host this Erasmus+ and it was on March 2019. I have known some people who came but non of those people I’ve hosted. I’ve hosted Dutch guy called Collin and German guy called Alex. Again you could feel this joy of being a part of this project because everyone enjoyed it here in Náchod. We have prepared some interesting stuff too...we want to make sure that all of the people that visited our country would want to come back in the future. We have visited Adršpašsko - Teplické skály. Those are basicly a rocks and it sure was very unique to all. That beautiful peice of a landscape you can’t see enywhere else. Onbiously we have talked about water and the water pollution. We’ve done a lot of work in our school where we have prepared our own presentions in a group which incluted people from all countries. We’ve also visited a water cleaning factory which was very interesting to see. And again we have enjoyed a lot of free time together. For example we went bowling one night with almost 15 people. And I took the boys to the restaurant where they could met my family and we’ve enjoyed time together.

But then it was time for everyone to leave and again it was painful. But still I am in contact with all of the Dutch guys with came and with some English guys. With Collin we are planing to visit each other in the future because we are really good friends and we have enjoyd the time we could spend together and we want to enjoy more.

Whole Erasmus+ project I took a part on was amazing. All of the coutries, most of the people. And I’m so glad that I could take part and that I overcame my little fears from being in forein country alone. Well almost alone.

I would like to thank everyone! To the organizators in every county, due to them the program was always fun. To every teacher, beacause I know that it probably was a hard job for them. And to all of my friends and people I could met. Thanks to our interests in finfing new friends and visiting forein countries we could have that amazing time together that we’ve had. Thanks for your cooperation. 

I’m looking forward to more projects or to future Erasmus+


Dante Burdych - 20.06.2019 @ 19:28

Last year I visited the United Kingdom mostly the Northern part of England. We got to visit the Lake District in Cumbria and Edinburgh. I found England amazing from the history, lovely nature and even some of the architectural structures were amazing to see. I met my pen pal Louis and his lovely family. They very friendly and took good care of me during my stay in Appleby.

I remember we all showed different presentation of different topics about water which were very interesting. We also got to learn more about the history of Appleby and the flood what happened a few years ago and how the town had been damaged by the flood. We also got to visit the Lake District and learn about how important it is.

I have a lot of good memories from my trip to England but my favorite one was spending time with Louis, Oscar (his younger brother) and Tony (his father) when we all went to the cinema to watch the new Tomb Raider movie and it was awesome!!! I shared a lot of laughs and a lot of good memories with Louis and his family and will always remember what awesome people they are.

In 2019 the Czech republic was the last country to host the Erasmus program. I had two guys from Italy stay by my house Giovanni and Enrico. We planned a lot of activities for students from the other countries such as seeing the different workshops which we had prepared for them. We also went to visit Adršpašsko – Teplické skálý which we all had a lot of fun and also really bonded and got to know each other better. It was really fun spending time with people from different countries, seeing that we have a lot of things in common. Spending time with Giovanni and Enrico was a blast and I have many good memories with them.

I think there should be a lot more of these types of projects in the future and more often as well. It  is a very good project for students to learn more about other countries in Europe and to meet new people and to make new friends who we can visit in the future which I also hope I will do one day in the future hopefully soon.

And with my pen pals I am still in touch but we don’t write so often but we still in contact to ask what’s new and going on by them. Even now we still talk about the good memories which thanks to the Erasmus project we can look back on.


Eliska Letzelova - 10.06.2019 @ 14:45

Last year I went to Italy, Rimini with two of my school mates and teachers. I spent a week at really nice girl Giulia. I was really satisfied with their accomodation, food and the whole family was really nice. Thanks Giulia was this trip even better! She is always welcome at our house.

Unfortunatelly I don´t remember much informations from presenations. In Italy we had a topic about bridges so it was more about architecture. We visited Venice, which is in my opinion such a lovely place with a lot of sights.

A good memory which I have from this trip is probably the afternoon at the beach with friends and pizza. We were sitting in the sand, sunbathing and enjoying the sea. This one is the best one, but the other ones were also perfect. And I have to say thank you for the last night dinner, because I am vegetarian and they prepared food especially for me.

I am a bit sad because I am going to study the last year now and I can´t join any other Erasmus Plus project. But I think it gave me a lot. Better communication, better english, new friends, new places visited and I am not so shy. So yeah I definitely think there should be more of these exchanges!

I was in house of italian  girl and one italian boy was at my house and with both we got on well, but nowadays we are not in touch.